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Which body-type are you? Are you an Ectomorph? a Mesomorph? or an Endomorph?

Weight loss and fitness advice is pretty much generalized and doesn't necessarily always fit every person and every situation. Even though two people of different body types can do well on the same eating plan - it is still true that we have to realize everybody and EVERY BODY has their own unique set of dietary needs.

As you've gathered from the above question that I asked you on what body type you are. there are three different body types, Let's look at each of them a little more closely to give you a better idea of what your body type is in order to help you reach your goals:

1.) The Ectomorph:

The first person who comes to mind when I think of this body type is Usain Bolt. This would be the best way to describe this body type. The common denominator for these body types are they have a thin build and generally have a tougher time packing on mass - now on one hand having difficulty putting on fat mass is a good thing! But the downside is they also generally have a heck of a time putting on muscle mass as well. They have to work that much harder and longer to see results due to their incredibly high metabolism.

Nutrition tips for the Ectomorph:

- The biggest challenge for this body type can be getting enough calories, You have to make a conscious effort to make sure you are eating enough to compensate for your incredibly efficient metabolism. You may be able to eat more carbs (you lucky devil, you!) - yes, even the delicious, yet evil starchy carbs than other body types can without gaining fat (I said lucky you already, right?)

- Stick with Healthy fats like avocado, olives and nuts. Eating these will help give you the energy your body needs to work hard in the gym.

2.) The Mesomorph::

Let's think of the athletic physique, like Hugh Jackman in Wolverine (yum!) lean, muscular and VERY WELL PROPORTIONED. Like the unicorn, this body type is extremely rare. The characteristics of the Mesomorph are a medium-sized frame and bone structure. long. round muscles and a narrow waist. These are the guys that make HUGE progress regardless of working out in the gym, or crushing WODs in the CrossFit Box. They Pack on lean muscle without adding large amounts of fat (the lucky bastards!)

Nutrition tips for the Mesomorph:

- This body type does quite well on a balanced diet with tons of vegetables, protein and healthy fats. Try to keep the carbs to a minimum, or you'll pay by gaining weight. They tend to do better on MODERATE carbs. and for the love of God, be careful with cheat days, booze and other "treats".

3.) The Endomorph:

The Endomorph is broad, stocky and strong. Russel Crowe is a great example of this. They tend to have a 'blocky" build, have a tough time loosing weight, and they tend to put on muscle and, unfortunately fat easily.

Nutrition tips for the Endomorph:

- Endomorphs can pack on ALOT of muscle, but there is a price to pay if they aren't careful about their dietay habits. Unfortunately for them, they tend to hold on to more subcutaneous fat. So BE CAREFUL-because carrying around fat can tend to incline you to end up packing more on.

- Be careful about foods that can spike your insulin levels like sugar and carbs. Follow a a low-carb eating plan that focuses on animal protein, vetetables and healthy fats.

Now, you have to understand not everyone fall exactly into these three body types. Most of us are a combination of different body types and may have the characteristics of one or more different body types. But don't panic about fitting into just one body type category - It's MORE IMPORTANT to pay attention to how easily your body retains fat, where it accumulates and if you have difficulty packing on muscle. Knowing this will aid you in adjusting your carb intake and workout program to help you get the body you want.

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